Overcoming Remote Work Overwhelm: Your Modern Survival Guide

If you’re knee-deep in the remote work lifestyle, chances are you’ve danced with overwhelm more than once.

Between Zoom calls that blend into one long, never-ending meeting and your living space turning into a makeshift office, it’s easy to feel like you’re treading water in the deep end. But hey, let’s not throw in the towel just yet.

As someone who’s navigated these choppy waters, I’ve gathered some lifebuoys to help us keep afloat.

Ready to dive in?

Embrace the Power of Routine

First things first, let’s talk routine.

It might sound boring, but hear me out. Establishing a solid daily routine is like setting your GPS before a road trip—it keeps you on track.

Start with the non-negotiables: when you’ll start work, take breaks, and clock out. Then, sprinkle in time for movement, because let’s face it, your couch and bed have seen enough of you.

A morning routine can also work wonders, giving you a sense of normalcy and control before you dive into your inbox.

Designate a Dedicated Workspace

Next up, your environment.

Creating a dedicated workspace is crucial, even if it’s just a corner of your dining table. This isn’t just about physical boundaries; it’s about mental ones too.

A designated work area signals to your brain, “Hey, it’s go-time,” helping to flip the switch from home mode to work mode. Plus, it’s a game-changer for those unexpected video calls. No more scrambling to find a non-embarrassing background five seconds before logging on.

a computer with a video call representing a Zoom call.

Draw Boundaries Like a Pro

Speaking of boundaries, let’s get serious about setting them.

This means communicating your work hours to housemates, friends, and even your pet (though, good luck with that last one). It’s also about knowing when to step away from the laptop.

Remember, just because you can work anytime doesn’t mean you should. Protect your downtime like it’s sacred because, well, it is.

Master the Art of Task Management

Overwhelm often strikes when our brains are overloaded with tasks. Enter the mighty to-do list. But not just any list—a prioritized one.

Your can start your day by writing down everything you need to tackle, then highlight the top three tasks that need your immediate attention. Or, you can invest in a project management tool Monday.com, Asana, or Trello if your company doesn’t already use one. These tools make managing your workflow a breeze.

This simple act can help you cut through the noise, giving you a clear starting point and a roadmap for your day.

Plus, ticking off tasks feels ridiculously satisfying.

Lean into the Digital Detox

In a world where our phones are practically glued to our hands, taking a digital detox can feel like a radical act.

But disconnecting is essential for recharging, especially when your work and personal life blend together at home. Set aside some tech-free time each day, even if it’s just during dinner or before bed.

Your brain (and probably your thumbs) will thank you.

Now What?

Need a visual cheat sheet to help you keep these top of mind? I made you one! GRAB IT HERE.

Handling overwhelm while working remotely isn’t about reinventing the wheel; it’s about finding balance in the chaos.

By establishing routines, creating a dedicated workspace, setting clear boundaries, making friends with task management, and occasionally unplugging, you can navigate the remote work world with a bit more ease.

Remember, it’s okay to ride the waves—just make sure you’re steering the ship.

This image display an ipad showing an advertisement for the Work From Home Cheat Sheet.

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Carly Voinski is a creator helping you win at work.

Carly is a creator and digital media strategist journeying her way through a graduate program in Communication & Leadership.

She’s sharing her story with you so that you can win at work.

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